Introducing…Diana Clarke
Here at Thermal Fluid Solutions, we’ve introduced a feature to help you to get to know our great team a little better. This month focuses on our Operations Manager, Diana Clarke.
TFS’ Pioneering Filtration Technique Captures “Elusive 80%” of Solids
The European process industry now has access to a pioneering form of thermal fluid filtration technology, capable of removing the 80% of particulate matter too small to be captured by conventional techniques, so improving the cost-efficiency of thermal oil systems across the continent.
Customer Notice: The Global Cost of Oil
Prices across the global oil market are increasing and the implications from this are emerging into the UK economy due to the laws of supply and demand.
The Continuous Approach To Risk Management
According to Thermal Fluid Solutions’ managing director, Richard Franklin, in a recent media interview: “The standard industry way of establishing best practice is by precedent: look at an incident and learn from it so that it does not happen again.”
Take Safety to the Next Level with the MHTM 2500
Introducing the MHTM 2500…Developed with 21 years’ experience, the freestanding portable thermal fluid flash recovery unit offers enhanced safe results with minimum input. Featuring stringent dual level safety protection, the rig is different to all other systems that attempt to maintain and recover closed cup flash point degradation. This is…