Introducing… Lesley Frohwein
Here at Thermal Fluid Solutions, we’ve introduced a feature to help you to get to know our great team a little better. This month focuses on our Laboratory Technician, Lesley Frohwein.
Improved Safety with HT FluidFit
Introducing HT FluidFit. Our revolutionary flashpoint recovery service ensures the safe, compliant maintenance of flashpoints in thermal fluid systems, a real alternative to the costly and time-consuming process of fluid disposal and re-filling of systems.
Managing Thermal Fluids and their Systems
Risk in thermal fluid systems is always high and that’s why it’s vital to understand how to monitor and manage this risk, to create a safe working environment and keep fluids working at optimum performance. Continuous monitoring of thermal fluids and their systems not only helps organisations to save money,…
The TFS Sample Station
Designed for the safe and convenient extraction of thermal oils for testing, the Thermal Fluid Solutions’ Sample Station removes a sample of fluid from the system and allows this to cool, whilst excluding air.
Understanding Thermal Fluids
Ensuring that all members of your maintenance teams are aware of the challenges of thermal fluid systems and the risks these can create is paramount to providing a consistently safe working environment.